Golden Fry Tech Oil Saving Plate
The Product
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How to Clean and   Maintain GFT
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How to Clean and Maintain Golden Fry Tech Plates
11x17 Printable GFT Cleaning and Maintenance Poster (pdf)
GFT Cleaning and Maintenance Poster

When to Change Oil
GFT plates allow your cooking oil to work efficiently long after the color darkens so do not to use oil color as an indicator for when to change your oil. You will not see maximum use of your oil if you use oil color as a guide. Instead, use the following as your guide on when to change your oil:

  1. Food color is darker than usual and unappetizing.
    Darker than usual food color.
  2. Oil is smoking.
    Smoking oil
  3. The oil smells bad or is thicker than usual.
    oil smells bad
  4. If indicated by oil test strips
    (i.e. 3m Shortening Monitor). test strip indicator


Step 1
Wash the GFT plates when you change your oil. If you have a lot of debris in your fryer, check your GFT plates as it may need to be cleaned before your oil change.
Step 1 in cleaning Golden Fry Tech

Step 2
To open the stainless steel jacket, snap the latches off with your fingers.
Step 2 in cleaning Golden Fry Tech

Step 3
Wash the plates by hand with NON-ABRASIVE liquid detergent and a soft sponge or in your dishwasher after separating the stainless steel jacket from the titanium plate. Because the catalyst is printed over the titanium plate surface, do not use scrubbing pads or wire brushes. FOR YOUR SAFETY, COMPLETELY WIPE AND DRY BOTH THE INNER PLATE AND JACKET BEFORE REASSEMBLING. PLACE IN YOUR FRYER WHILE OIL IS STILL COOL. Step 3 in cleaning Golden Fry Tech

Step 4
Twice a month (or when you notice blackening on the GFT plates), spray both sides of the titanium plates with Blue Easy Off oven cleaner. Let sit for 2 hours (or overnight) and rinse with water. FOR YOUR SAFETY, COMPLETELY WIPE AND DRY BOTH THE INNER PLATE AND JACKET BEFORE REASSEMBLING. PLACE IN YOUR FRYER WHILE OIL IS STILL COOL. DO NOT USE THE YELLOW labeled can or any other brand of oven cleaner. Step 4 in cleaning Golden Fry Tech

Cooking with GFT GFT Maintenance GFT usage Enjoying Fried Foods